Banjo and Shadows (2009)
for baritone voice and piano
Texts by Carl Sandburg
I HAVE love
And a child,
A banjo
And shadows.
(Losses of God,
All will go
And one day
We will hold
Only the shadows.)
-- Carl Sandburg, from Chicago Poems
Copyright 1916 by Henry Holt and Co. Public Domain
NIGHT from a railroad car window
Is a great, dark, soft thing
Broken across with slashes of light.
-- Carl Sandburg, from Chicago Poems
Copyright 1916 by Henry Holt and Co. Public Domain
THE monotone of the rain is beautiful,
And the sudden rise and slow relapse
Of the long multitudinous rain.
The sun on the hills is beautiful,
Or a captured sunset sea-flung,
Bannered with fire and gold.
A face I know is beautiful—
With fire and gold of sky and sea,
And the peace of long warm rain.
-- Carl Sandburg, from Chicago Poems
Copyright 1916 by Henry Holt and Co. Public Domain
A LONE gray bird,
Dim-dipping, far-flying,
Alone in the shadows and grandeurs and tumults
Of night and the sea
And the stars and storms.
Out over the darkness it wavers and hovers,
Out into the gloom it swings and batters,
Out into the wind and the rain and the vast,
Out into the pit of a great black world,
Where fogs are at battle, sky-driven, sea-blown,
Love of mist and rapture of flight,
Glories of chance and hazards of death
On its eager and palpitant wings.
Out into the deep of the great dark world,
Beyond the long borders where foam and drift
Of the sundering waves are lost and gone
On the tides that plunge and rear and crumble.
-- Carl Sandburg, from Chicago Poems
Copyright 1916 by Henry Holt and Co. Public Domain
SELL me a violin, mister, of old mysterious wood.
Sell me a fiddle that has kissed dark nights on the forehead where men
kiss sisters they love.
Sell me dried wood that has ached with passion clutching the knees and
arms of a storm.
Sell me horsehair and rosin that has sucked at the breasts of the morning
sun for milk.
Sell me something crushed in the heartsblood of pain readier than ever
for one more song.
-- Carl Sandburg, from Cornhuskers
Copyright 1918 by Henry Holt and Co. Public Domain
Douglas Fisk -- Banjo and Shadows
Malcolm Merriweather, voice (songs 1 - 4)
Vince B. Vincent, voice (song 5)
Douglas Fisk, piano
score samples